El cesto de los tesoros es una propuesta de juego para niños y niñas de 6 a 10-12 meses y que consiste en un cesto donde introducimos objetos diferentes y asequibles a estas edades donde pueden permanecer sentados, pero aún no se desplazan demasiado ni con autonomía. Como dice E. Goldschmied se trata de “aprender a través de la experimentación y el descubrimiento a través de los objetos”.
Es una actividad de exploración, concentración y atención, donde hay que llenar un cesto de mimbre (recomendable materia natural) con objetos de uso cotidiano y escogidos para descubrir y desarrollar el tacto, gusto, olfato, vista, oído y movimiento del cuerpo.
Los objetos del cesto no son juguetes, sino que pueden ser de la casa o entorno del niño/a, confeccionados y/o recuperados de la naturaleza. Se trata de proporcionar un conjunto de objetos diferentes para favorecer la curiosidad por descubrir las cualidades de las cosas y los diferentes usos de los objetos.
Con el cesto de los tesoros los menores aprenden por sí mismos; el adulto les da seguridad y confianza pero sólo desde la presencia y atención a lo que sucede en el momento de la actividad.
Los objetos se escogen atendiendo a sus cualidades (madera, metal, objetos naturales, posibilidades de sonido, formas diferentes, etc.) y se colocan dentro de un cesto de unos
35 centímetros de diámetro y alrededor de 8-10 de altura. Debe ser sólido, plano, estable y que no tenga asas. El niño debe poder apoyarse en él sin que vuelque.
La selección de materiales se hará desde objetivos creativos y renovadores (estimulantes para su mente) que será entorno a 60 objetos (alrededor de 20-25 por cada niño); conviene que esté en un rincón estable de la sala y sobre una alfombra. Se sentarán alrededor del cesto o muy cerca de él para acceder de forma fácil y poder mantener el equilibrio. Hay que evitar interferencias y favorecer que manipulen, exploren y se concentren.
Los objetos favorecen que entre ellos se establezcan los primeros contactos, comunicaciones e interés por medio de esta propuesta de juego.
Es importante observar cuáles son las preferencias, proceso de aprendizaje de cada uno, actividades y actitudes de los niños para valorar la renovación del material. Ésta se hará periódicamente y sólo sobre algunos objetos (los nuevos suponen estímulo y los viejos son punto de referencia y reconocimiento).
Todos los objetos deben poder lavarse a diario y mantenerse en buen estado; deben ser renovados con cierta frecuencia (y según lo que muestra nuestra observación).
El adulto se sienta cerca de los niños a una distancia óptima para observar y no interferir, proporcionando seguridad y confianza a través de la mirada receptiva y disponible para todos los niños y niñas que participan en la actividad en ese momento.
Si atendemos a que el propósito de la propuesta tiene que ver con los siguientes objetivos como son:
_Conocer y diferenciar las partes básicas de la cara: ojos, boca, nariz y orejas.
_Conocer las características de los objetos que se presentan (los llevan a la boca, los huelen, miran, manipulan, etc.).
_Discriminar olores, texturas, sabores, sonidos, formas, colores, etc.
_Explorar y dejar que sus sentidos les permitan medir las posibilidades de juego de los objetos (si ruedan, suenan, están fríos, ásperos o suaves, pesan, huelen, etc.).
Entonces, podemos plantear la siguiente propuesta de objetos:
Objetos Naturales (limón, manzana piedra pómez, corteza de árbol, tapón de corcho, cáscaras de coco, caracolas de mar de formas redondas y suaves, etc.).
Objetos de Materiales Naturales (ovillo de lana flauta de caña, calzador de asta, cuchara de asta, cepillo de uñas de madera, cepillo de dientes, brocha de afeitar, brochas o pinceles, cestos pequeños, etc.)
Objetos de madera (cajas pequeñas, sonajeros, castañuelas, botones de colores ensartados, cubos y dados, cilindros, anillas de cortina, espátulas y cucharas, pinza de la ropa, cuchara de miel, carraca, bigudí, espejo, etc.).
Objetos Metálicos (cucharas de distintos tamaños, batidora de huevos, juego de llaves, flanera, latas redondas, cenicero, moldes de pasteles, armónica pequeña, prensadora de ajo, colador de té, trozos de cadena, cencerro, campanilla, tapón de frasco de perfume,
Objetos de papel y cartón (libreta pequeña de espiral, cajitas de cartón, tubos, conos y cilindros, etc.).
Objetos de piel, tela, goma y fieltro (monedero, pelota de goma, pelota de cuero, muñeca de trapo, funda de gafas, oso de peluche, tapón de bañera con cadena, red de pescar, anillas de goma de cafetera, cremallera, espátula de goma, bolsas pequeñas con tomillo o lavanda, etc.).
Objetos de vidrio (frascos pequeños de perfume, tarros de mermelada, lágrimas de lámpara, pomo de armario, tapones de botellas grandes, etc.).
Esta variedad de objetos permite que el niño juegue tranquilo, ocupado y concentrado durante tiempo; que disfrute de las sensaciones y descubrimientos que le provocan los objetos; su curiosidad crece y los descubrimientos que hace le llenan de satisfacción (descubre formas, colores, olores, consistencia, espacios, peso y textura, etc.). Mientras juega, observa, comprueba, mete-saca, muerde, compara, golpea, escucha, huele, sonríe y emite sonidos pre-verbales; es decir, se comunica con todo el cuerpo.
El papel del adulto
La presencia del adulto da seguridad y favorece la concentración. Una mirada o una sonrisa bastan para iniciar el contacto mutuo. La actitud y el interés del adulto debe ser motivante para el niño y que se sienta en libertad para disfrutar descubriendo.
La adulto no interviene, sino que organiza el ambiente, comprueba que los niños se sientan cómodos y seguros, y debe controlar el estado de los diferentes objetos y su conservación.
Debe saber organizar el espacio pensando en la evolución de los niños (por ejemplo, cuando ya empiezan a desplazarse y su interés por el cesto disminuye y buscan otros objetos del entorno), las nuevas necesidades y la no interferencia entre unos y otros niños.
Así mismo, se deberá determinar el momento más adecuado para la observación y la evolución del juego, pues en estas edades la atención que necesitan y el ritmo de cada uno es muy variable.
The basket of treasures is a proposed game for children from 6 to 10-12 months and consists of a basket where we introduce different and affordable objects at this age where they can sit, but still not too move or independently . As E. Goldschmied says it is "learning through experimentation and discovery through objects".
It is an exploration activity, concentration and attention, where you must fill a wicker basket (recommended natural material) with everyday objects and chosen to discover and develop touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing and body movement.
The objects of the basket are not toys, but can be in the house or environment of the child / a, made and / or recovered from nature. It is providing a set of different objects to encourage curiosity to discover the qualities of things and different uses of objects.
With the basket of treasures children learn by themselves; the adult gives them security and confidence but only from the presence and attention to what happens at the time of the activity.
Objects are chosen on the basis of their qualities (wood, metal, natural objects, sound capabilities, different forms, etc.) and placed in a basket of a
35 centimeters in diameter and height around 8-10. Must be solid, flat, stable and has no handles. The child must be able to rely on it without tipping.
The selection of materials will be from creative and Renovators (stimulants to his mind) objectives will be around 60 objects (around 20-25 per child); agrees to be in a stable corner of the room and on a carpet. They will sit around the basket or very close to it to access easily and to maintain balance. Avoid interference and facilitate handling, explore and focus.
Objects favor among them the first contacts, communications and interest by this proposal are established game.
It is important to note what the preference learning process of each, activities and attitudes of children to assess the renewal of the material are. This will be done periodically and only for some objects (stimulus pose new and old are landmark and recognition).
All objects must be able to wash daily and maintained in good repair; must be renewed on a regular (and as showing our observation).
The adult sits around children at an optimal distance to observe and not interfere, providing security and trust through responsive and available look for all children participating in the activity at that time.
If we consider that the purpose of the proposal is concerned with the following objectives such as:
_Know and differentiate the basic parts of the face: eyes, mouth, nose and ears.
_Know the characteristics of the objects presented (of their mouth, the smell, look, handle, etc.).
_Know Smells, textures, tastes, sounds, shapes, colors, etc.
_Explore and let your senses allow them to measure the possibilities of game objects (whether roll, sound, are cold, rough or smooth, weigh, smell, etc.).
Then we can raise the following proposed items:
Natural Objects (lemon, apple pumice, bark, cork, coconut shells, sea shells round and soft shapes, etc.).
Objects of Natural Materials (ball of wool reed flute, horn shoe horn, horn spoon, wooden nail brush, toothbrush, shaving brush, brushes or brushes, small baskets, etc.)
Wooden objects (small boxes, rattles, castanets, buttons strung colored cubes and dice, cylinders, curtain rings, spatulas and spoons, clothespin, spoon of honey, ratchet, curler, mirror, etc.).
Metal objects (spoons of different sizes, egg beater, set of keys, flanera, round cans, ashtray, cake tins, harmonic small, squeeze garlic, tea strainer, bits of string, cowbell, bell, bottle stopper perfume
Objects of paper and cardboard (small spiral notebook, cardboard boxes, tubes, cones and cylinders, etc.).
Leather goods, cloth, rubber and felt (purse, rubber ball, leather ball, rag doll, glasses case, teddy bear, bathtub plug with chain, fishing net, rubber rings coffee, zip, rubber spatula, small bags with thyme or lavender, etc.).
Glassware (small perfume bottles, jars of jam, tears lamp, cabinet knob, large bottles caps, etc.).
This variety of objects allows the child to play quiet, busy and focused over time; you enjoy the sensations and discoveries that cause objects; his curiosity grows and discoveries that makes you fill satisfaction (discover shapes, colors, smells, texture, space, weight and texture, etc.). While playing, notes, checks, in-out, bites, compare, hits, hears, smells, smiles and emits pre-verbal sounds; ie, communicates with the whole body.
The presence of the adult gives security and promotes concentration. A glance or a smile is enough to start the mutual contact. The attitude and interest of the adult should be motivating for the child and feel free to enjoy discovering.
The adult does not intervene, but organizes the environment, make sure that the children feel comfortable and safe, and should monitor the status of the various objects and their conservation.
You should know considering organizing space evolution of children (for example, when start moving and interest in the basket decreases and seek other objects in the environment), new needs and no interference between them children.
Also, determine the most appropriate observation and time evolution of the game, because at these ages the care they need and pace of each is very variable.
The basket of treasures is a proposed game for children from 6 to 10-12 months and consists of a basket where we introduce different and affordable objects at this age where they can sit, but still not too move or independently . As E. Goldschmied says it is "learning through experimentation and discovery through objects".
It is an exploration activity, concentration and attention, where you must fill a wicker basket (recommended natural material) with everyday objects and chosen to discover and develop touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing and body movement.
The objects of the basket are not toys, but can be in the house or environment of the child / a, made and / or recovered from nature. It is providing a set of different objects to encourage curiosity to discover the qualities of things and different uses of objects.
With the basket of treasures children learn by themselves; the adult gives them security and confidence but only from the presence and attention to what happens at the time of the activity.
Objects are chosen on the basis of their qualities (wood, metal, natural objects, sound capabilities, different forms, etc.) and placed in a basket of a
35 centimeters in diameter and height around 8-10. Must be solid, flat, stable and has no handles. The child must be able to rely on it without tipping.
The selection of materials will be from creative and Renovators (stimulants to his mind) objectives will be around 60 objects (around 20-25 per child); agrees to be in a stable corner of the room and on a carpet. They will sit around the basket or very close to it to access easily and to maintain balance. Avoid interference and facilitate handling, explore and focus.
Objects favor among them the first contacts, communications and interest by this proposal are established game.
It is important to note what the preference learning process of each, activities and attitudes of children to assess the renewal of the material are. This will be done periodically and only for some objects (stimulus pose new and old are landmark and recognition).
All objects must be able to wash daily and maintained in good repair; must be renewed on a regular (and as showing our observation).
The adult sits around children at an optimal distance to observe and not interfere, providing security and trust through responsive and available look for all children participating in the activity at that time.
If we consider that the purpose of the proposal is concerned with the following objectives such as:
_Know and differentiate the basic parts of the face: eyes, mouth, nose and ears.
_Know the characteristics of the objects presented (of their mouth, the smell, look, handle, etc.).
_Know Smells, textures, tastes, sounds, shapes, colors, etc.
_Explore and let your senses allow them to measure the possibilities of game objects (whether roll, sound, are cold, rough or smooth, weigh, smell, etc.).
Then we can raise the following proposed items:
Natural Objects (lemon, apple pumice, bark, cork, coconut shells, sea shells round and soft shapes, etc.).
Objects of Natural Materials (ball of wool reed flute, horn shoe horn, horn spoon, wooden nail brush, toothbrush, shaving brush, brushes or brushes, small baskets, etc.)
Wooden objects (small boxes, rattles, castanets, buttons strung colored cubes and dice, cylinders, curtain rings, spatulas and spoons, clothespin, spoon of honey, ratchet, curler, mirror, etc.).
Metal objects (spoons of different sizes, egg beater, set of keys, flanera, round cans, ashtray, cake tins, harmonic small, squeeze garlic, tea strainer, bits of string, cowbell, bell, bottle stopper perfume
Objects of paper and cardboard (small spiral notebook, cardboard boxes, tubes, cones and cylinders, etc.).
Leather goods, cloth, rubber and felt (purse, rubber ball, leather ball, rag doll, glasses case, teddy bear, bathtub plug with chain, fishing net, rubber rings coffee, zip, rubber spatula, small bags with thyme or lavender, etc.).
Glassware (small perfume bottles, jars of jam, tears lamp, cabinet knob, large bottles caps, etc.).
This variety of objects allows the child to play quiet, busy and focused over time; you enjoy the sensations and discoveries that cause objects; his curiosity grows and discoveries that makes you fill satisfaction (discover shapes, colors, smells, texture, space, weight and texture, etc.). While playing, notes, checks, in-out, bites, compare, hits, hears, smells, smiles and emits pre-verbal sounds; ie, communicates with the whole body.
The role of the adult
The presence of the adult gives security and promotes concentration. A glance or a smile is enough to start the mutual contact. The attitude and interest of the adult should be motivating for the child and feel free to enjoy discovering.
The adult does not intervene, but organizes the environment, make sure that the children feel comfortable and safe, and should monitor the status of the various objects and their conservation.
You should know considering organizing space evolution of children (for example, when start moving and interest in the basket decreases and seek other objects in the environment), new needs and no interference between them children.
Also, determine the most appropriate observation and time evolution of the game, because at these ages the care they need and pace of each is very variable.
Muchas gracias.
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