Existe un gran debate si los
videojuegos son buenos o malos, especialmente ahora que nos encontramos en
plena era tecnológica.
Como cualquier objeto inanimado,
estos no son buenos o malos por sí mismos, todo depende del uso que les demos.
El aspecto más importante a la hora de adquirir un videojuego, y a la vez, el
que menos se tiene en cuenta, es la edad recomendada. He visto a padres llegar
a una tienda y coger un juego recomendado para mayores de 18 años con la carta
a los Reyes en la mano, preguntar el dependiente qué edad tiene el niño y decir
9 o 10 años, a lo cual el dependiente se remite a la edad recomendada y la
respuesta que obtiene es “ya bueno, pero
eso es orientativo y si mi hijo lo quiere ¿cómo le voy a decir que no?”. Obviamente
si dejamos a un niño de 9 años jugar con un videojuego recomendado para mayores
de 18 con gran seguridad los contenidos del juego no sean aptos, por lo que con
gran frecuencia ese mismo padre o madre que fue advertido por el dependiente
sobre la edad recomendada, posteriormente le podremos oír quejarse sobre la
violencia del juego, por ejemplo.
Pero, ¿la culpa es del juego o del consumidor
que adquiere un producto ignorando las indicaciones del fabricante?
Sin embargo, si nos ceñimos a las
edades recomendadas y siempre bajo la supervisión y participación de un adulto,
pueden ser, no solo lúdicos, sino también educativos.
Siempre nos hablan de los
beneficios de la lectura, que por descontado son numerosos, como ya vimos en "¿Qué leer a mis niños?", pero los
videojuegos hoy en día son intrínsecos en los niños, crecen rodeados de
tecnología, la usan desde muy pequeños y la manejan mejor que los adultos. Mientras
que leer es una “obligación” que imponen los adultos, los videojuegos son
divertidos; así pues, podemos y convertir su diversión en una herramienta
Sabemos que el niño aprende mediante el juego (juego heurístico, juego simbólico,
juegos de rol…) y no debemos prescindir de ellos, pero también debemos
renovarnos y adaptarnos a los cambios añadiendo a nuestro material didáctico
los videojuegos, los ordenadores infantiles, las tablets infantiles, los
juguetes interactivos… Todos ellos pueden resultar de gran utilidad para
nosotros y hacer que los niños interioricen y comprendan mejor algunos
contenidos, además de que para ellos será un juego y no un trabajo.
Los videojuegos están a la orden
del día y tienen gran influencia en los niños de hoy; influencia que aumentará
en las generaciones venideras, así pues integrémoslo como recurso educativo
para fomentar el interés de los pequeños y no lo veamos como una distracción o
un enemigo de la educación, pues todos hemos escuchado alguna vez: “No estudia porque se pasa el día con el
ordenador/la consola”.
¿Aprender? Mejor jugando.
There is much debate whether video games are good or bad, especially now that we are in the technological era.
Like any inanimate object, these are not good or bad in themselves, it all depends on how we use them. The most important consideration when purchasing a video game appearance, yet, the less you have in mind is the recommended age. I've seen parents get to a store and get a recommended for over 18 years with the letter to Santa in hand game, ask the clerk how old the child and say 9 or 10 years, which the clerk refers at the recommended age and the answer you get is "as good, but that is indicative and if my son wants how I'm going to say no?". Obviously if we leave 9 year old boy playing with a recommended game for over 18 with great confidence game content not they are eligible, so very often the same parent who was told by the clerk on the recommended age then we can hear him complain about the violence of the game, for example.
But does the blame game or consumer buying a product ignoring the manufacturer?
However, if we stick to the recommended and always under the supervision and participation of adult age, may be not only recreational but also educational.
We always talk about the benefits of reading, which of course are numerous, as we saw in "What to read to my children?" But video games today are intrinsic in children grow up surrounded by technology, used since very small and handle better than adults. While reading is an "obligation" imposed by adults, video games are fun; so, we can and turn your fun in a pedagogical tool.
We know that children learn through play (heuristic play, pretend play, role play ...) and we can not do without them, but we must also renew and adapt to changes adding to our teaching materials video games, infant computers, tablets children, interactive toys ... They can be very useful for us and make children internalize and understanding some content, and for them will be a game and not a job.
Video games are the order of the day and have great influence on children today; influence will increase in the coming generations, so I integrémoslo as an educational resource to promote the interests of small and not see it as a distraction or an enemy of education, for all we ever heard: "No studies because he spends the day with the computer / console ".
Will learning? Best playing.
There is much debate whether video games are good or bad, especially now that we are in the technological era.
Like any inanimate object, these are not good or bad in themselves, it all depends on how we use them. The most important consideration when purchasing a video game appearance, yet, the less you have in mind is the recommended age. I've seen parents get to a store and get a recommended for over 18 years with the letter to Santa in hand game, ask the clerk how old the child and say 9 or 10 years, which the clerk refers at the recommended age and the answer you get is "as good, but that is indicative and if my son wants how I'm going to say no?". Obviously if we leave 9 year old boy playing with a recommended game for over 18 with great confidence game content not they are eligible, so very often the same parent who was told by the clerk on the recommended age then we can hear him complain about the violence of the game, for example.
But does the blame game or consumer buying a product ignoring the manufacturer?
However, if we stick to the recommended and always under the supervision and participation of adult age, may be not only recreational but also educational.
We always talk about the benefits of reading, which of course are numerous, as we saw in "What to read to my children?" But video games today are intrinsic in children grow up surrounded by technology, used since very small and handle better than adults. While reading is an "obligation" imposed by adults, video games are fun; so, we can and turn your fun in a pedagogical tool.
We know that children learn through play (heuristic play, pretend play, role play ...) and we can not do without them, but we must also renew and adapt to changes adding to our teaching materials video games, infant computers, tablets children, interactive toys ... They can be very useful for us and make children internalize and understanding some content, and for them will be a game and not a job.
Video games are the order of the day and have great influence on children today; influence will increase in the coming generations, so I integrémoslo as an educational resource to promote the interests of small and not see it as a distraction or an enemy of education, for all we ever heard: "No studies because he spends the day with the computer / console ".
Will learning? Best playing.
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